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Friday, April 29

Section 5: Complete the first two pages of the green gas laws packet you got in class today. Your Gas Laws quiz will be on Wednesday of next week.

Fourth Quarter Extra Credit Opportunity for All Sections!
By Wednesday, on a piece of loose leaf, do the following:
1) Briefly explain how a barometer works, in your own words (you may draw pictures, if you'd like)
2) List materials you would use from around the house to create your own barometer (be creative! I've seen the coffee can + balloon + straw set up more times than I can count - I won't be very impressed. Feel free to take an existing design and put your own spin on it!)
3) Draw a sketch of your barometer being sure to label all of the materials
4) Describe the aspects of your set up that your think will work well and those that could be improved. Make sure to include explanations of these inferences!
5) For double bonus points - build it! You can take a picture of it OR bring it in!

Thursday, April 28

Section 4: Complete the first two pages of the green gas laws packet you got in class today. Your Gas Laws quiz will be on Tuesday of next week.

Section 2H: 
1) Poster boards are due to 4K3 by homeroom tomorrow. I'll be in by 7:30, if you need to make any last minute adjustments.
2) As per your request, you will be watching videos and taking note on the ideal gas law this evening:
Ideal Gas Law Introduction
Ideal Gas Law Practice Problems
3) Answer the following questions:

Your Gas Laws quiz will be on Wednesday of next week.

Fourth Quarter Extra Credit Opportunity for All Sections!
By Wednesday, on a piece of loose leaf, do the following:
1) Briefly explain how a barometer works, in your own words (you may draw pictures, if you'd like)
2) List materials you would use from around the house to create your own barometer (be creative! I've seen the coffee can + balloon + straw set up more times than I can count - I won't be very impressed. Feel free to take an existing design and put your own spin on it!)
3) Draw a sketch of your barometer being sure to label all of the materials
4) Describe the aspects of your set up that your think will work well and those that could be improved. Make sure to include explanations of these inferences!
5) For double bonus points - build it! You can take a picture of it OR bring it in!

Wednesday, April 27

Section 2H & 5: Complete the worksheet you got at the end of class today. If you're having trouble figuring out which gas law to use, come to Academic Enrichment on Friday!

Section 2H: Don't forget to bring all your materials to complete your project board to class tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 26

Section 4: Complete the worksheet you got at the end of class today. If you're having trouble figuring out which gas law to use, come to Academic Enrichment tomorrow! 

Section 5:
Watch and take notes on these videos:
Gas Laws Part 1
Gas Laws Part 2

Monday, April 25

Section 4:
1) On a piece of loose-leaf, explain how you crushed the can in class today (don't forget what you know about pressure, temperature, volume, energy, kinetic molecular theory, etc and use the documents under homework docs). Feel free to draw pictures to get your point across. Reminder: the can had very hot water inside, the pan had very cold water, which got sucked up into the can while it was getting crushed!
2) watch and take notes on these videos:
Gas Laws Part 1
Gas Laws Part 2

Section 2H: 
Watch and take notes on these videos:
Gas Laws Part 1
Gas Laws Part 2

Thursday, April 21

Section 5:  
1) On a piece of loose-leaf, explain how I crushed the can in class today (don't forget what you know about pressure, temperature, volume, energy, kinetic molecular theory, etc and use the documents under homework docs). Feel free to draw pictures to get your point across. Reminder: the can had very hot water inside, the pan had very cold water, which got sucked up into the can while it was getting crushed!
2) Complete the yellow gas properties packet by next class (be sure to bring it with you to class tomorrow!)

Section 4: Complete the yellow gas properties packet by next class. 

Wednesday, April 20

Section 4: Complete both sides of the worksheet (phase diagram and vapor pressure graph) you got in class today.

Section 2H: For Monday the 25th:
1) Complete the yellow gas properties packet using the Phet simulation link provided.
2) Complete steps 1-7 of your Ecological Footprint Project (green sheet - you should have already done steps 1-3!)

Tuesday, April 19

Section 5: Complete the phase diagram worksheet you got in class today. Also, STUDY both the phase diagram and the phase change graph, which was learned about last week. Use the resources at the bottom of the webpage to help you!

Friday, April 15

Section 2H: 
1) On a piece of loose-leaf, explain how you crushed the can in class today (don't forget what you know about pressure, temperature, volume, energy, kinetic molecular theory, etc and use the documents under homework docs!). Feel free to draw pictures to get your point across!
2) Review ALL of the information in the document 'Changes of State, Vapor Pressure & Phase Diagrams' under homework docs.
3) Study for a quiz on: phase change graphs, phase diagrams, vapor pressure graphs and all of the words and terms you have defined in your notebooks.
4) Finally, over the weekend, take the following quiz. You must print or take a screen shot of your results and bring them to next class!

Section 4:
1) Tonight we will look at a Phase Diagram. First, you need to define the follow words (use your textbook or one of the articles under homework docs!):
1. Triple Point
2. Critical Point
3. Critical Temperature
4. Critical Pressure
Next, there are two videos on the phase diagrams below, and a great explanation in your textbook on page 347. The videos have the same content - I just put two because they are different styles of video - you only need to watch one (you can watch both if you'd like).
Phase Diagram Video 1
Phase Diagram Video 2

Use these videos and the textbook content to answer the phase diagram questions on the back of the worksheet we started in class today (can also be found under homework docs).

2) Review/take notes on ALL of the information in the document 'Changes of State, Vapor Pressure & Phase Diagrams' under homework docs.

Kairos Students: Read, take notes and complete all worksheets found under 'homework docs'. You may also want to also consult your textbook (chapter 10) and the videos posted above. Welcome back!

Thursday, April 14

Sections 2H & 5: Tonight we will look at a Phase Diagram. First, you need to define the follow words (use your textbook or one of the articles under homework docs!):
1. Triple Point
2. Critical Point
3. Critical Temperature
4. Critical Pressure
Next, there are two videos on the phase diagrams below, and a great explanation in your textbook on page 347. The videos have the same content - I just put two because they are different styles of video - you only need to watch one (you can watch both if you'd like).
Phase Diagram Video 1
Phase Diagram Video 2

Use these videos and the textbook content to answer the phase diagram questions on the back of the worksheet we started in class today (can also be found under homework docs). 

Wednesday, April 13

All Sections: Read and take notes on pages 90-91 of the article under 'Homework Documents'. Then, use what you've read to complete the back-side of the Venn diagram worksheet.

Tuesday, April 12

Section 4: First, use the ppt or your textbook to add to complete your Venn diagram. Then, read the first two pages (88-89) of the document under 'Homework Documents'. After reading, answer the following in your notebook:
1) Use your own words or draw a diagram (or both) to explain why phase changes occur.
2) Why do different substances melt at different temperatures?
3) What is boiling?
4) What is heat of vaporization?
5) Based on context clues, how would you define heat of fusion in your own words?
6) Why heat of vaporization greater than heat of fusion in pure substances?

Monday, April 11

Section 2H: First, use the ppt or your textbook to add to your 'solids' section of your Venn diagram. Then, read the first two pages (88-89) of the document under 'Homework Documents'. After reading, answer the following in your notebook:
1) Use your own words or draw a diagram (or both) to explain why phase changes occur.
2) Why do different substances melt at different temperatures?
3) What is boiling and how do you think it's similar and different than evaporation?
4) What is heat of vaporization?
5) Based on context clues, how would you define heat of fusion in your own words?
6) Why heat of vaporization greater than heat of fusion in pure substances?

Section 5: First, use the ppt or your textbook to add to your 'liquids' & 'solids' section of your Venn diagram. Then, read the first two pages (88-89) of the document under 'Homework Documents'. After reading, answer the following in your notebook:
1) Use your own words or draw a diagram (or both) to explain why phase changes occur.
2) Why do different substances melt at different temperatures?
3) What is boiling?
4) What is heat of vaporization?
5) Based on context clues, how would you define heat of fusion in your own words?
6) Why heat of vaporization greater than heat of fusion in pure substances?

Wednesday, April 6

Sections 5: For next class:
  • Complete your heating and cooling curve graph (see conclusions section for more information). You can use pencil and paper, excel or another graphing service, including the Logger Pro, which I have in the classroom. If you want to complete your graph during CP in 4K3, you are welcome to. 
  • In your notebook you are going to define the words below. We are starting Chapter 10 - States of Matter, if you use headings in your notebook. You should get these definitions from your textbook!
    • pure substance
    • phase change
    • heating/cooling curve
    • kinetic energy
    • potential energy
    • exothermic
    • endothermic
    • freezing point
    • melting point
    • temperature
  • Don't forget to keep studying your stoichiometry! 

Tuesday, April 5

Sections 2H & 4: For next class:
  • Complete your heating and cooling curve graph (see conclusions section for more information). You can use pencil and paper, excel or another graphing service, including the Logger Pro, which I have in the classroom. If you want to complete your graph during CP in 4K3, you are welcome to. 
  • In your notebook you are going to define the words below. We are starting Chapter 10 - States of Matter, if you use headings in your notebook. You should get these definitions from your textbook!
    • pure substance
    • phase change
    • heating/cooling curve
    • kinetic energy
    • potential energy
    • exothermic
    • endothermic
    • freezing point
    • melting point
    • temperature
  • Don't forget to keep studying your stoichiometry!