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Wednesday, April 6

Sections 5: For next class:
  • Complete your heating and cooling curve graph (see conclusions section for more information). You can use pencil and paper, excel or another graphing service, including the Logger Pro, which I have in the classroom. If you want to complete your graph during CP in 4K3, you are welcome to. 
  • In your notebook you are going to define the words below. We are starting Chapter 10 - States of Matter, if you use headings in your notebook. You should get these definitions from your textbook!
    • pure substance
    • phase change
    • heating/cooling curve
    • kinetic energy
    • potential energy
    • exothermic
    • endothermic
    • freezing point
    • melting point
    • temperature
  • Don't forget to keep studying your stoichiometry!