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Friday, April 29

Section 5: Complete the first two pages of the green gas laws packet you got in class today. Your Gas Laws quiz will be on Wednesday of next week.

Fourth Quarter Extra Credit Opportunity for All Sections!
By Wednesday, on a piece of loose leaf, do the following:
1) Briefly explain how a barometer works, in your own words (you may draw pictures, if you'd like)
2) List materials you would use from around the house to create your own barometer (be creative! I've seen the coffee can + balloon + straw set up more times than I can count - I won't be very impressed. Feel free to take an existing design and put your own spin on it!)
3) Draw a sketch of your barometer being sure to label all of the materials
4) Describe the aspects of your set up that your think will work well and those that could be improved. Make sure to include explanations of these inferences!
5) For double bonus points - build it! You can take a picture of it OR bring it in!