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Thursday, May 5

Sections 2H & 4: Based on your textbook reading and the notes we took in class today, answer the following questions:

1) What’s the difference between a solution, a suspension, and a colloid? Give examples of each.

2) What does “like dissolve like” mean?

3) Why don’t oil and vinegar mix? You should discuss this in terms of what happens at a molecular level.

4) Make a drawing of the particles in an NaCl solution to show why this solution conducts electricity. Then, make a drawing of a sugar solution to show why this solution does NOT conduct electricity.

5) Do you expect a packet of sugar to dissolve fast in hot tea or in cold tea? Why?

6) If a warm bottle of soda and a cold bottle of soda are left open, which will go flat first? Why?

7) You are eating pasta with olive oil and you accidentally get some oil on your shirt. What would be the best way to get the stain out? Should you just blot it with water? Why or why not?