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Wednesday, October 24

All Sections: If you click on the link below, you will find the answers to the Chapter 4, Section 1 questions:
Ch 4 Section 1 - Answer Key

Sections 8 & 10:  Complete all of the following for next week:
  • Read pages 104-110 in your textbook. Complete #1-3 on page 110.
  • Watch the following two videos and create a quality outline of content:
  • Complete a Science Fair Project Proposal Form, which can be found here (only ONE form needs to be filled out per group):
Sections 9 & 11: Complete all of the following for next week:
  • Watch the following two videos and create a quality outline of content:
  • Complete a Science Fair Project Proposal Form, which can be found here (only ONE form needs to be filled out per group):

Tuesday, October 23

Sections 9 & 11: Read pages 104 - 110 in your textbook. Complete #1-3 on page 110.

Section 10: Read chapter 4, section 1 (pg. 97-103, most of it is review) and answer questions 1-5 on page 103.

Also, below are the videos from today. Re-watch the first one, and make sure to watch the second one.

**All: Make sure to check the website tomorrow (EVEN IF YOU DON'T HAVE MY CLASS TOMORROW). Your assignments for while I'm on Magis will be posted here.

Monday, October 22

Sections 8: Read chapter 4, section 1 (pg. 97-103, most of it is review) and answer questions 1-6 on page 103.

Also, below are the videos from today. Re-watch the first one, and make sure to finish watching the second one (which we started in class).

Section 9 & 11: Complete the questions the green packet (as specified in class; front page & #26-31 mc). Then, read chapter 4, section 1 (pg. 97-103, most of it is review) and answer questions 1-6 on page 103.

Also, here are the videos from today, if you'd like to watch them again:

Section 10: Complete the assignment that was posted for Sections 9 & 11 on Friday

Friday, October 19

Sections 9 & 11: Tonight you will take some notes based on the discussion we had in class today. You can find this unit's powerpoint at the bottom of the page. There is also a link to it under 'Homework Documents'. It can also be found in the 'tanzmanj' folder on the X: drive of the Xavier computers (chapter 4).

You should copy down notes for slides 1-13 into your notebook. PRINTING OUT THE SLIDES DOES NOT COUNT. This should help to clarify and reinforce the ideas we broached today in class. I will be checking your notebook - I hope to see some quality note taking skills.

You should also watch this video:

*If you cannot get to the powerpoint online, send me an email and I will email you the ppt as an attachment.

Thursday, October 18

Section 8: Tonight you will take some notes based on the discussion we had in class today. You can find this unit's powerpoint at the bottom of the page. There is also a link to it under 'Homework Documents'.  It can also be found in the 'tanzmanj' folder on the X: drive of the Xavier computers (chapter 4).

You should copy down notes for slides 1-13 into your notebook. PRINTING OUT THE SLIDES DOES NOT COUNT. This should help to clarify and reinforce the ideas we broached today in class. I will be checking your notebook - I hope to see some quality note taking skills.

You should also watch this video:

Tuesday, October 16

**All: There will be extra help Thursday morning at 7:40 in room 3K2.

Section 11: Complete the assignment posted yesterday - these worksheets will help you study for Thursday's test.

Section 9: Complete today's lab, if you have not already. Also, study Chapter 3 for Thursday's test.

Section 10: Here is the data you need to complete the lab (this will help you study for Thursday):

-Station 1:
Cup of water mass: 81.2 g
Mass after a mouthful has been drunk: 24.7 g

-Station 2:
Mass of the chalk before you write your name: 45.73 g
Mass of the chalk after you write your name: 45.71g

-Station 3:
Mass of unknown metal + weighboat: 70.9 g
Mass of empty weighboat: 5.5 g

-Station 4:
Mass of unknown substance + weighboat: 89.5 g
Mass of empty weighboat: 5.5 g

Monday, October 15


I'm sorry I cannot be at school with you today. Here is your assignment:

-Under 'Homework Documents' you will find two worksheets; you should complete them both. Notice that the last page has the answers. This is to help you know whether or not you understand how to do these calculations. We will have a test on this material when I return, so make sure you are using the answer page to gauge your understanding. Come into next class prepared with questions, if you are confused.

I recommend you do this work together in school today, so you can help each other, if need be.

Thursday, October 11

Section 8: Complete your Mole Practice worksheet #1-5, 9 & 10

Section 9: Finish your Mole Practice worksheet

Section 10: Read and complete the assignment that was listed for sections 8 & 11 yesterday.

Section 11: Make sure your Mole Practice sheet is perfect for Monday. Also, make sure you've read over your molar mass lab so that you are ready to go right away next class.

Wednesday, October 10

Section 9: Complete #1-5 on the worksheet you received in class today

Sections 8 & 11: Watch the following videos - start about 5 minutes in for the first one (the other stuff you should know, but if you feel like you need a review, you're welcome to watch all of it):

Then, find the molar mass of the following compounds:
1)    Ca(OH)2
2)         Na3PO4
3)         AgF
4)         Fe3(PO4)2
5)         Zn(C2H3O2)2
Use the chart we created in class (a similar one can be found on page 84 of your textbook) to
determine the mass in grams of each of the following:

a.      1.35 mol Fe
b.      24.5 mol O
c.      0.876 mol Ca
Calculate the number of moles of each compound:

a.     21.5 g CaCO3
b.     1.56 g NH3
c.    16.8 g Sr(NO3)2

Tuesday, October 9

Sections 8 and 10: Read pages 85-87 in your textbook. Pay extra attention to the sample problems. Complete practice problems 1-4 on page 85. The answers are in Appendix E, so you can see how you are doing. Then, complete section review problems #5-7 on page 87. Remember how we used conversion factors in class today!

Sections 9 and 11: Complete the Avagadro Goes to Court problem (price of one atom of Al). You should do this NEATLY on loose leaf. Here are the givens you will need:

Price per roll - $1.59
Surface area of roll - 6.96 m2
Mass of Al per surface area - 17.2 g/m2
Molar mass - 26.9815 g/mol

Good luck!

For Tuesday, October 9

Sections 8, 9 and 10: Finish Exercise 2 on the back of your Mole Activity Sheet, if you have not already. Then read the case study titled "Avagadro Goes to Court", which can be found in the 'Homework Documents' section. On Tuesday, you will be given the same assignment as the students in the case study. The way to solve this problem, is very similar to the types of problems you did on your Mole Activity Sheet. You will work as a table, and will have one day to figure out the answer. Come in with a game plan! I recommend you look up the molar mass of Aluminum (measured in grams/mole).  You will be given the opportunity to find the mass of an small, square sheet of foil. Realize that these two measurements (and their units) are major clues into how to solve this problem. Your preparedness, efforts in class and the accuracy of your answer will all be a part of your grade for this assignment.
Think critically! Exercise your brain!

Section 11: Read page 83 in your textbook. Then in your notebook, define 'mole', 'Avagadro's number' and 'molar mass'. Next, read the front of the 'What is a Mole?' worksheet, which can be found in the 'Homework Documents' section and complete Exercises 1 and 2 on the back.
**Note: a light year is a unit of distance, not time. It is the distance that light travels in a year. Since you are given the distance light travels in one second, you can calculate how far light travels in one year.

Thursday, October 4

Sections 8 and 10: Read page 83 in your textbook. Then in your notebook, define 'mole', 'Avagadro's number' and 'molar mass'. Next, read the front of the 'What is a Mole?' worksheet you got in class, and complete Exercise 1 on the back (2 questions).

Wednesday, October 3

Sections 9-11: Using chapter 3 in your textbook, then answer questions 1-8 on page 89.

Tuesday, October 2

Sections 8 & 9: In the green packet you got today, answer the first 3 quesitons on the first page, the 'protons, neutrons and electrons' section on the second page, complete the definitions of isotope and atomic mass (bottom of page 2), draw the models of the nuclei on the top of page 3, and the 'matching' section on page 5.

Section 10: Your 5 re-worked testable questions are due tomorrow. Don't forget you also have your periodic table quiz!

Monday, October 1

Sections 8 & 9:
1) Using the editing and discussions we had today in class, rewrite your 10 testable questions into 5 high quality questions. Remember, the key to a good question, is that an experiment can be designed from it without the reader needing to ask for more information.
2) Under the 'Homework Documents' section you will find a History of the Atom worksheet. Using your textbook and the internet, answer the questions pertaining to Dalton, Thompson and Rutherford. You DO NOT need to do the section on Bohr (we'll get to him later).

Section 11: 
Under the 'Homework Documents' section you will find a History of the Atom worksheet. Using your textbook and the internet, answer the questions pertaining to Dalton, Thompson and Rutherford. You DO NOT need to do the section on Bohr (we'll get to him later).