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Monday, October 1

Sections 8 & 9:
1) Using the editing and discussions we had today in class, rewrite your 10 testable questions into 5 high quality questions. Remember, the key to a good question, is that an experiment can be designed from it without the reader needing to ask for more information.
2) Under the 'Homework Documents' section you will find a History of the Atom worksheet. Using your textbook and the internet, answer the questions pertaining to Dalton, Thompson and Rutherford. You DO NOT need to do the section on Bohr (we'll get to him later).

Section 11: 
Under the 'Homework Documents' section you will find a History of the Atom worksheet. Using your textbook and the internet, answer the questions pertaining to Dalton, Thompson and Rutherford. You DO NOT need to do the section on Bohr (we'll get to him later).