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For Tuesday, October 9

Sections 8, 9 and 10: Finish Exercise 2 on the back of your Mole Activity Sheet, if you have not already. Then read the case study titled "Avagadro Goes to Court", which can be found in the 'Homework Documents' section. On Tuesday, you will be given the same assignment as the students in the case study. The way to solve this problem, is very similar to the types of problems you did on your Mole Activity Sheet. You will work as a table, and will have one day to figure out the answer. Come in with a game plan! I recommend you look up the molar mass of Aluminum (measured in grams/mole).  You will be given the opportunity to find the mass of an small, square sheet of foil. Realize that these two measurements (and their units) are major clues into how to solve this problem. Your preparedness, efforts in class and the accuracy of your answer will all be a part of your grade for this assignment.
Think critically! Exercise your brain!

Section 11: Read page 83 in your textbook. Then in your notebook, define 'mole', 'Avagadro's number' and 'molar mass'. Next, read the front of the 'What is a Mole?' worksheet, which can be found in the 'Homework Documents' section and complete Exercises 1 and 2 on the back.
**Note: a light year is a unit of distance, not time. It is the distance that light travels in a year. Since you are given the distance light travels in one second, you can calculate how far light travels in one year.