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Wednesday, October 24

All Sections: If you click on the link below, you will find the answers to the Chapter 4, Section 1 questions:
Ch 4 Section 1 - Answer Key

Sections 8 & 10:  Complete all of the following for next week:
  • Read pages 104-110 in your textbook. Complete #1-3 on page 110.
  • Watch the following two videos and create a quality outline of content:
  • Complete a Science Fair Project Proposal Form, which can be found here (only ONE form needs to be filled out per group):
Sections 9 & 11: Complete all of the following for next week:
  • Watch the following two videos and create a quality outline of content:
  • Complete a Science Fair Project Proposal Form, which can be found here (only ONE form needs to be filled out per group):