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Tuesday, October 9

Sections 8 and 10: Read pages 85-87 in your textbook. Pay extra attention to the sample problems. Complete practice problems 1-4 on page 85. The answers are in Appendix E, so you can see how you are doing. Then, complete section review problems #5-7 on page 87. Remember how we used conversion factors in class today!

Sections 9 and 11: Complete the Avagadro Goes to Court problem (price of one atom of Al). You should do this NEATLY on loose leaf. Here are the givens you will need:

Price per roll - $1.59
Surface area of roll - 6.96 m2
Mass of Al per surface area - 17.2 g/m2
Molar mass - 26.9815 g/mol

Good luck!